Specializing in applied mathematics, algorithms, computation and theory, Clarkson’s Department of Mathematics focuses on bringing cutting-edge 研究 to education.

What can you do with a degree in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and 统计数据, or Data Science? More things than you can imagine. From working as an applied mathematician or statistician to furthering your education with a 硕士 or 博士学位 from Clarkson, there are plenty of options at your disposal.

We consist of 18 full-time faculty and multiple dual appointments from other departments and disciplines. Consistently engaged in 研究, our faculty regularly present their work at seminars and colloquia.

As summer approaches, we have special programs available for incoming and continuing students:

铜的数学: A Web-Based Math Refresher

Summer Math Program

Blog Post about Our Department

Our Programs

Graduate Programs

99% University Placement Total


Best Schools for STEM Degrees

 in the United States (Best Value Schools).

Clarkson University students are highly sought after and our placement rates prove it. During the academic year, we have 150+ Career Fair attendees each Spring, 180+ Career Fair Attendees every fall! The Career Center encourages students to connect as early as possible to begin setting yourself up for success.


of students decide to continue their education in various post secondary programs.


of our graduates seek alternative positions like the military.

Math At Work

Susan Bailey's 研究 team have taken commonly found bacteria and protozoa and grow them in the lab. The hope is that these simple experiments will help to suggest more efficient, 无毒, bio-control approaches for eliminating pests and invasive species in nature.