


The environmental challenges the world faces today require innovative thinkers and political will. The experts that will shape a more sustainable future need to understand the impact of politics, 经济和其他人类对环境的影响. They also need to develop the skills to come up with out-of-the-box solutions grounded in science and social analysis. esball国际平台客户端's 环境政策理学硕士 prepares the next generation of environmental professionals to rise to the occasion. 


通过 可持续环境研究所, the master's in environmental policy is an interdisciplinary degree with applied project or research-intensive thesis options. The curriculum is designed to be flexible and personalized toward your specific interests. 作为一名学生, you will determine a theme of focus with your research advisor and plan your studies accordingly. To graduate, you will either present a project or thesis founded on your own research.

我们的课程严谨,在该领域得到广泛认可. In 2023, our 环境政策 graduates boasted a 100-percent placement rate, and the average starting salary for Clarkson graduate students was $90K. In addition to being ranked as a top-tier national university by U.S. esball国际app & 世界报告和福布斯顶尖研究型大学, 我们为将可持续发展教育付诸行动而感到自豪. We have been named one of the Top-75 Most Eco-Literate Colleges by the Sierra Club and have also received a gold rating from the Association for the Advancement of 可持续性 in Higher Education. 


  • 环境及能源政策
  • 环境经济学
  • 环境哲学与理论
  • 环境科学
  • 定量研究方法
  • 关注环境和社会的话题


环境政策硕士包括30个学时, including two credits of seminar courses and at least six credits of research. 学位课程可以在12-18个月内完成. As part of their studies, students must choose a theme that will guide their coursework. 建议的主题包括环境和社会, 企业社会责任理念与理论, 以及能源转型的政策.


  • POL570(环境政策)或POL571(能源政策).
  • EC660环境经济学.
  • A research methods course: one of SS580 (研究 Methods) OR EC611 (Econometrics) OR CE502 (Applications of GIS) OR EV591 Special Topics (Methods) under the direction of the advisor OR other methods course approved by the Graduate Chair.
  • Additional elective courses following a theme determined by the student and approved by the advisor and the chair of the graduate committee. At least two of the electives must have an environmental or sustainability focus as defined in the ISE Graduate Handbook.
  • Students completing a thesis must take at least three additional elective courses for a total of at least 18 credit hours. Students completing a project must take at least four additional elective courses for a total of at least 21 credits of coursework.
  • 研讨会课程两个学分(EV610或同等学分).



  • 环境,技术和社会
  • ANTH 581文化 & 消费
  • ANTH/SOC 586 Food and Society or What to Think esball国际平台客户端 What you Eat
  • SOC 530健康、财富、不平等和环境

环境哲学 & 理论

  • 环境政治理论
  • PHIL 505可持续发展理论 & 实践:批判性评估
  • PHIL 510 Where the Wild Things Are; 环境哲学 & 生态球的


  • pol571能源政策
  • POL 572生物燃料和农场政策
  • POL 575环境法


  • CE/ ev535地下水水文学 & 地球化学
  • ce577大气化学
  • CE 580环境化学
  • ce584化学动力学
  • ce586工业生态学
  • es532风险分析
  • ES 531环境可持续性 & 风险分析
  • 全球气候变化:科学与工程., & 政策

硕士/MBA EP双学位选择

There are 16 credits of overlapping coursework between the MBA and MSEP programs, allowing for the MBA and MSEP degree requirements to be completed in a combined 52-credit program of study spanning two years, 包括一篇支持MSEP学位的硕士论文(6学分).

所有学生必须完成一篇论文或一个项目. Recent environmental policy projects range from establishing a carbon-offset program through agroforestry in Africa to developing a business plan and regulatory analysis for a startup company that treats harmful algal blooms to establishing a governance structure for a municipality-scale emergency microgrid. 

教师和学生的跨学科中心, the 可持续环境研究所 focuses on environmental education, 可持续发展的努力和研究计划. 它还设有各种本科和esball国际app课程, 包括环境政策署长. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端可持续发展环境研究所的信息.


  • 网上申请表格
  • 的简历
  • 目的陈述书
  • 三封推荐信
  • 官方成绩单
  • 强烈鼓励GRE考试,但不是必需的.
  • For international applicants, submitting the results of an English proficiency test is required:
    • Minimum test score requirements: TOEFL (80) and TOEFL Essentials (8.5)、雅思(6).5) PTE(56分)或Duolingo英语测试(115分).

先决条件:女士 Students are expected to have taken a course on American politics or American society (sociology), 还有一门环境科学入门课程, 并获得了学士学位, 认可院校的本科或同等学历.

The program allows each student to build rapport and establish relationships with professors. I come from a small hometown and I am more comfortable in smaller class-size settings where I do not feel like I am just another number in a sea of people. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to have a research assistant position while I was at Clarkson. The relationships I had with the professors that I worked for made me feel like I was truly part of a team and the work experience was invaluable for helping me prepare for my future career. I also had the opportunity to pursue a dual degree and also received a Master of Science in Data Analytics (now Applied Data Science). 我发现双学位的结合提高了我的技能.

切尔西·霍塔林,19年 环境政策硕士,2012;数据分析硕士,2012;工商管理硕士


The MS in 环境政策 prepares you for roles in government, 非营利组织和私营部门, 无论是国内还是国际.


  • 合规专员
  • 社区参与处处长
  • 能源政策分析师
  • 环境提倡
  • 环境的说客
  • 环境政策分析师
  • 环境记者
  • 国际非政府组织发言人
  • 可持续发展顾问
  • 监管事务副总裁


Our graduate students have secured leadership and research positions in many organizations, 包括:

  • 布鲁金斯学会
  • 褐岩营地
  • 能源期货集团
  • 天祥集团
  • 路易斯安那理工大学
  • 观点动力学
  • Quantis
  • Wegowise
  • STEM OPT资格

  • 现场交货




电子邮件: graduate@hnbsqx.com
电话: 518-631-9831

了解更多 可持续环境研究所. 



Accelerate your career by combining your MS in 环境政策 with a 工商管理硕士(MBA) or 应用数据科学理学硕士. International student Paul Rechberger gives an overview of the benefits of earning a dual degree from esball国际平台客户端.


Make a positive impact on the world with a master’s degree from Clarkson.